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Scenario Design System for Healthcare

The only system for:

  • great scenario design and setup for your team and simulators
  • easy collaboration and Library of over 1,000 FairShare scenarios
  • easy governance and standardisation of best practice
standardisation made easy...

iRIS Scenario Design System for Healthcare

The only system for:

  • great scenario design and setup for your team and simulators
  • easy collaboration and Library of over 1,000 FairShare scenarios
  • easy governance and standardisation of best practice

Benefits and Features


New and experienced healthcare simulation educators and medical simulation educators use standardised approaches to create high quality scenarios and
courses, quickly and


Centralised, classified library with sophisticated scenario review processes. Export to major simulation technologies.


Co-design is made easy for iRIS power-users, new healthcare simulation educators and medical simulation educators, and infrequent users such as Faculty providing guidance on specific scenarios


Map courses and scenarios to any frameworks. Scenario design wizard builds in best-practice. Tips, guides, and checks are provided throughout.


Significantly reduce time to develop quality resources. Re-use resources from
the worldwide Library. Rapidly upskill new healthcare simulation educators and medical simulation educators.


Join an extensive FairShare library of scenarios from worldwide colleagues. Share within your organisation, and across networks or institutions.

User Showcase

Dr David Grant

Past President SESAM, Past Associate Dean HEESW, PICU Consultant, Bristol Children's Hospital, Medical and Inter-Professional Simulation Lead , University of Bristol.

Thanks to iRIS we have achieved equity of access, sharing, collaboration and governance of high quality scenarios across the region.

iRIS has stopped us re-inventing the wheel

Cheryl Muir

Lead Educator - Commissioned Education & Quality, University Hospitals Birmingham

iRIS has transformed our scenario design, and setup-and-run on SimMan and iSimulate.

Multi-site control is now easy, and Simulation education and patient care are enhanced.

Dr Kim Leighton

RN, CHSE, CHSIS, ANEF, FAAN, Past President of INACSL, Executive Director - ITQAN Clinical Simulation and Innovation Center

We have 14 Hospitals and 92 Nurse Educators. iRIS makes it possible for them to figure out scenarios together.

The beauty of iRIS is that it is a wizard and we're all used to that. With simple clicks you align with the Standards of best Practice.

Amanda Wilford

Senior lecturer Staffordshire University .

Using IRIS is the gold standard of simulation preparation.

IRIS has given us an evidence-based structure to design, develop and deliver high quality simulation for our students.

Our use of IRIS was integral to us gaining INACSL endorsement for our institution. An all-round 5 star product.

Dr James Cleveland

PhD, MSN, RN, Director of the Center for Simulation Innovation (CSI) at UTHSCSA, Texas State University,
San Antonio, Texas

We went from a hodge-podge, trying to set up our Sims, to a fully standardised approach with a process.

iRIS meant we went from 20% to 100% of the undergraduate curriculum using Simulation.



iRIS Health Solutions, is a UK based software company driven by innovation for better healthcare through great scenarios, engagement and interoperability.

iRIS integrates standards of best practice from ASPiH, SESAM, ASPE and INACSL, and is available across Europe, Americas, Middle East, North Africa and more.

iRIS Health Solutions is led by :

  • Phil Purver, Managing Director
  • Alex Clark, COO and Product Director

iRIS is developed by our agile and skilled team in Bangalore, led by Pradeepa Achar.

The Team

Phil Purver

Managing Director

Alex Clark

COO / Product Director

Nagendra Chari

Technical Architect

Pradeepa Achar

Director Technology & Operations

Swathi V Rao

Senior Developer

Prathvish Ravikumar

Senior Developer

Nithish Baikadi

Senior Designer

Prerna Jain

Sprint Manager

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    iRIS Health Solutions Limited